July Newsletter

OCAA July 5, 2020 Newsletter


Subject: July 6, 12 pm ET APA Justice Meeting: Professors Margaret Lewis and Xiaoxing Xi on DOJ’s China Initiative; AAJC's Anti-Racial Profiling Project


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Dear friend,


Hope you and your family had a great July 4th. Please remind everyone to wear a mask in public places as we saw a surge of COVID-19 cases across the country. City government of Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, Dublin and others issued executive orders to require masks. In Franklin County, young people catching nearly 45% of new COVID-19 cases during spike


We would like to share with you the following events that OCAA partners are hosting. Please feel free to spread the word:


      July 6, 12 pm ET: APA Justice Meeting - Magaret Lewis & Xiaoxing Xi talk about DOJ’s China Initiative

      July 11, 2 pm ET: AAPI Solidarity: Call for Full Civic Engagement

      July 11, 4 pm ET: CLUSA Annual Online Student Training Webinar#2 - Young Leaders Speak up - Policy Advocacy


July 6 APA Justice Meeting

Featured Speakers: Maggie Lewis, Xiaoxing Xi

Featured Topic: DOJ’s China Initiative

The open meeting in webinar format features Seton Hall law professor Maggie Lewis on DOJ’s China Initiative. 2020 Andrei Sakharov Prize recipient Professor Xiaoxing Xi will open the Q&A session. If you are concerns about citizen civil rights, racial discrimination, and/or have collaborations with anyone related to China, you should listen in. If you think you might need to seek legal assistance to protect your civil rights, read Frank Wu’s letter here.

John Yang will provide updates on AAJC's Anti-Racial Profiling Project. Gregg Orton will discuss the 2020 NCAPA civil rights national policy platform. 

When: July 6, 2020, 12 - 1 pm Eastern Time  / 9 am - 10 am Pacific Time

Where: Zoom (Details at https://www.apajustice.org/call-summaries.html)


AAPI Solidarity: Call for Full Civic Engagement

Asian American Unity Coalition is hosting a panel discussion about Full Civic Engagement. The Ohio born Christine Chen, ED of APIAVote will serve as a panelist.

When: July 11, 2020, 2 - 3 pm Eastern Time  / 11 am - 12 pm Pacific Time

Where: Zoom (information provided upon registration)

Downloadable Flyer: https://bit.ly/aapiSolidarity711Flyer


CLUSA Annual Online Student Training Webinar#2

Young Leaders Speak up - Policy Advocacy

This is CLUS’s second webinar gearing toward AAPI youths who aspire to seek internship or a career in the public sector. OCAA has recommended Anna Sucaldito from the Ohio State University as a panelis, along with eight other youth leaders.

When: July 11, 2020, 4 - 5:30 pm Eastern Time  / 1:00-2:30 pm Pacific Time

Where: Zoom (information provided upon registration)